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AAA Photography

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Rob Johnson started “AAA” Photography in 1977 from an idea from his childhood.

The only photos that were offered during his participation in sports was either a black and white team photo or a plain and simple memory mate. He felt the need to offer more choices and make them fun for the kids.

Johnson was creating his unique products in the darkroom such as Photo Buttons, Magazine Covers, Double Takes that superimpose one image upon another and Trader Cards complete with the team photo on the back, long before anyone even thought of the concept. He made the experience of having a photo session taken by “AAA” quick and fun with a speedy delivery service. Customers appreciated the personalized service and “AAA” grew to photographing over one million children.

Johnson says his company's pride is at stake with each photo shoot. While he may shoot 100 teams a day, Johnson says the "AAA" System will not allow quality to be sacrificed for quantity. Johnson says the emphasis on a quality final product is matched by an uncompromising attention to customer service. Johnson says his "AAA" credo can be summed up in three words: "Service, Service, Service."

Johnson puts a lot more effort in retaining customers than in getting them. Contact is made and monitored and regular phone calls let clients know “AAA” cares about them. This customer attention has allowed "AAA" to lock in clients. Johnson goes on to add, "AAA’s high visibility in individual communities has resulted in our reputation being spread right across Canada. “AAA” has had inquiries from the Maritimes, England, USA, South America, Europe and Australia to name a few, from individuals impressed by our System and products and looking to franchise”.

Johnson says "I am always researching and testing new products. The competition has tried to copy many of our current products such as the Double-Take but cost and quality has proven to be more than they can handle. Our product and method of production ensure “AAA” remains the most popular service in the areas we operate as we have franchises throughout the province of B.C.".  Staying on top of technology - and the competition – is the essence of "AAA".  With this in mind, Johnson says he has moved "AAA" into the digital age.

"AAA" does full tournament coverage of action photography and offers digital products available for viewing on location before the game is over. The full range of products can be viewed at the on-site “AAA” action booth display and purchased immediately or online.

“AAA” has furthered expanded it’s interests into school photography as a natural addition to Amateur Athletic Associations. With the digital age and the perfection of Green Screen technology, “AAA” can offer up to 150 different backgrounds for each child.

“AAA” has every option the schools are familiar with including ID cards, the advantage of allowing the students to create their own portrait while not dictating to them what background they must use to display their own mood or sense of style. The point is, it’s not about “AAA”, it’s about the kids. That’s why we're called "AAA".

At AAA we believe in being a partner in the communities in which we live and work. Here is the President of AAA, Rob Johnson doing his part in this annual event in the Downtown East Side feeding the hungry. We fed over 2000 meals that Sunday all on donated goods, money and volunteer labour.

About Us

Tel: 604-451-9622  |  email: info@aaaphoto.ca                                                                                                                               "AAA" Photography Inc. © 2022

Jesse Lindt, AAA senior photographer (left)
and Rob Johnson, President of AAA Photography